Organizing Committee

Prof. Ernesto Guccione
Professor, Guccione Lab
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, USA

Rotem Karni, PhD
Professor & Chair, Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Department of Genetics and the RNA innovation institute Perlman School of Medicine
Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, IL, and University of Pennsylvania, USA

Prof. Dr. Michal Lotem, MD
Head of the Center for Melanoma and Cancer Immunotherapy, Dept. of Oncology
Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center, Jerusalem, IL

Prof. Claudio Sette
Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, School of Medicine, Italy

Prof. Carlos Caldas
Professor of Cancer Medicine, Honorary Consultant in Medical Oncology
University of Cambridge, UK
Prof. David Elliott
Professor in Genetics
University of Newcastle, UK

Fátima Gebauer
Group Leader Gebauer Lab
Center for Genomic Regulation (CRG), Spain

Tamar Grossman, PhD
La Jolla Labs, USA

Prof. Marcin Kortylewski
Professor, Department of Immuno-Oncology, The Kortylewski Lab
City of Hope, USA

Prof. Dan Peer
Director of the Laboratory of Precision NanoMedicine
Tel Aviv University (TAU)

Prof. Yardena Samuels
Director, Moross Integrated Cancer Center
Samuels Lab, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Director, Cancer Biology Research Center, and Director, TAU Kahn 3D BioPrinting Initiative
TAU, Israel

Prof. Brage Storstein-Andresen
Head of Research, Brage Storstein Andresen Lab
University of Southern Denmark