Abstract Submission
Abstract Submission Deadline: June 15, 2025
Participants are encouraged to submit an abstract for oral or poster presentation.
- Abstracts should be submitted via the on-line submission system only.
- All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English.
- All abstracts submitted online will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee and notification of acceptance will be sent by email.
- To correct/change an abstract that has already been submitted or to submit another abstract, please use the log-in and password which you received when you submitted your original abstract. This will enable you to access the previously submitted abstract/s or to submit an additional abstract/s.
- The abstract text should be up to 300-word limit (with title, author names and affiliation details excluded) and cannot include tables and graphs.
- Abstracts should have the conventional layout: Background, Method, Results and Conclusion.
- Modification of abstracts will not be possible later than the above deadline.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Phillipa Friedland: pfriedland@kenes-exhibitions.com